Authenticate Participant - Single Use PIN

This demonstration of AlphaTrust e-Sign™ is for a single signer, single use PIN authentication, using click to sign with no document delivery.

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This demonstration is a simple use case of a single person signing a one page document. The authentication being used is a single use PIN. Minimal information is collected from the user - just their name. The document is then presented for review and is setup for a simple and efficient "click to sign". The signed document is not delivered to the user. Please note the document is marked for demo use only and is not enforceable. This workflow completes with a redirect to a custom web page, which is a demo landing page on the AlphaTrust website.

The workflow diagram below summarizes the process of this demonstration:

Athenticate Participant - Single Use PIN-1.png

To proceed to the demonstration and experience how it feels to sign with AlphaTrust e-Sign™, please click the button below:

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